206 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Design of Dual Resonant Structures for Improved Sensitivity of Terahertz Label Free Bio-Sensing

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    A design is proposed exploiting full wave numerical simulation of a dual resonant structure with an aim to sense small amounts of chemical and biochemical materials. The structure is energized with free space radiation in the terahertz regime. Thanks to its asymmetric geometry two close resonances are excited. The interference between these two resonances produces a sharp change in the frequency response of the system. By selectively loading the structure with only small amounts of probe material, a relatively large shift in the frequency response may be achieved. The concept is demonstrated through simulation, while optimization of the structure and the analyte loading is attempted

    Reliable Messaging to Millions of Users with MigratoryData

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    Web-based notification services are used by a large range of businesses to selectively distribute live updates to customers, following the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) model. Typical deployments can involve millions of subscribers expecting ordering and delivery guarantees together with low latencies. Notification services must be vertically and horizontally scalable, and adopt replication to provide a reliable service. We report our experience building and operating MigratoryData, a highly-scalable notification service. We discuss the typical requirements of MigratoryData customers, and describe the architecture and design of the service, focusing on scalability and fault tolerance. Our evaluation demonstrates the ability of MigratoryData to handle millions of concurrent connections and support a reliable notification service despite server failures and network disconnections

    Rezultatele pleurotomiei la traumatizații cu hemopneumotorace

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    Background. Approximately 70% of polytraumatized patients have thoracic trauma (TT) with variable severity, the pleuropulmonary complications reaching up to 30-45%, depending on the severity of the trauma. Objective of the study. Analysis of the treatment outcomes in patients with blunt chest trauma with hemopneumothorax (HPT) that underwent tube thoracostomy (TThS). Material and Methods. A prospective study performed on 86 patients with blunt TT and HPT that underwent TThS, at Institute of Emergency Medicine in 2019. mean age–51,2±1,8 years, M:F ratio-3,5:1, X-ray was performed on 83(96.5%) patients, FAST-79(91.9%), CT-19(22.1%). The epidemiology, trauma-hospitalization -TThS time, ISS score, duration of mechanical ventilation (MV), and the cause of repeated TThS were analysed. Results. Chest X-ray in 27(32.5%) cases did not show HPT, FAST only at 7(8.8%) found HT, CT had 100% sensitivity. Hemodynamic instability were 3(3.5%), with ISS>25. Isolated TT was found in 65(75.6%), polytrauma in 21(24.4%). There were 6 (7%) patients with MV, ISS> 25, and 2 with tracheostomy. In polytraumatized, TT was associated with: abdominal trauma-4 (19%), TBI-14(66.6%), locomotor trauma-12(57.1%). TThS at 64(74.4%) was performed within 24 hours. In one case, videothoracoscopy was required for hemostasis. Repeated TThS was performed in 3(3.5%) cases. Duration of TThS in Intensive Care Unit-7.9 days, in surgical department-4.2. Mortality-3.5%(n=3), cause: hypovolemic shock and MODS. Conclusion. Hemodynamic stability dictates the diagnostic curative algorithm for patients with blunt TT and HPT. The duration of TThS and the need for repeated TThS depends on the degree of pulmonary contusion, prolonged mechanical ventilation, disorders of consciousness and prolonged immobilization. Introducere. Aproximativ 70% dintre pacienții politraumatizați prezintă traumatism toracic (TT) cu severitate variabilă, complicațiile pleuropulmonare ajungând până la 30-45%, în funcție de severitatea traumei. Scopul lucrării. Analiza rezultatelor tratamentului pacienților cu traumatism toracic închis și hemopneumotorace (HPT), supuși drenării pleurale. Material și Metode. Studiul prospectiv în Institutul de Medicină Urgentă, în 2019, pe 86 pacienți cu TT și HPT, rezolvați prin pleurotomie. Vârsta medie-51,2±1,8 ani, B:F-3,5:1, radiografia toracică a fost efectuată în 83(96,5%), FAST-79(91,9%), TC în 19(22,1%) cazuri. Au fost analizate: epidemiologia, intervalul traumă-spitalizare, spitalizaretoracocenteză, scorul ISS, durata ventilării mecanice și cauza redrenărilor. Rezultate. Radiografia toracică în 27(32,5%) nu a evidențiat HPT, FAST numai la 7(8,8%) a constatat HT, TC a avut sensibilitate 100%. Hemodinamic instabili au fost 3(3,5%), cu ISS>25. TT izolat s-a constatat în 65(75,6%), politraumatism în 21(24,4%). La respirație asistată au fost 6(7%) pacienți, ISS>25, doi și cu traheostomie. La politraumatizați TT s-a asociat cu: tr. abdominal-4(19%), TCC-14(66,6%), tr.locomotor-12(57,1%). Toracocenteza la 64(74,4%) a fost efectuată până la 24h. Într-un caz a fost necesară videotoracoscopie pentru hemostază. Redrenarea s-a efectuat în 3(3,5%) cazuri. Durata pleurotomiei în ATI-7, 9zile, în secție-4,2. Mortalitate – 3,5%(n=3), cauza – șocul hipovolemic și MODS. Concluzii. Stabilitatea hemodinamică dictează algoritmul diagnostico-curativ la traumatizații cu TT închis și HPT. Durata drenării pleurale și necesitatea redrenărilor depinde de gradul contuziei pulmonare, ventilația mecanică prelungită, tulburările de conștiență și imobilizarea îndelungată

    Exploration versus Exploitation Using Kriging Surrogate Modelling in Electromagnetic Design

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    This paper discusses the use of kriging surrogate modelling in multiobjective design optimisation in electromagnetics. The importance of achieving appropriate balance between exploration and exploitation is emphasised when searching for the global optimum. It is argued that this approach will yield a procedure to solve time consuming electromagnetic design problems efficiently and will also assist the decision making process to achieve a robust design of practical devices considering tolerances and uncertainties


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Conform studiilor de specialitate Echinococcus granulosus, afectează în 70% ficatul, 15-20% plămânii, 10-15% splina, 0,5% inima. Tratamentul chistului echinoccocic este doar chirurgical. Sunt cunoscute 3 tipuri de intervenții: laparatomic, laparascopic și mininvaziv transcutan ecoghidat. Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea de caz clinic a tratamentului minim invaziv a echinococozei hepatice. Material și metode. Pacienta O., 25 de ani, internată în IMU cu diagnosticul: Chist hidatic hepatic. La internare pacienta a prezentat dureri colicative în hipocondrul drept. Din istoricul bolii, se consideră bolnavă din 2020, când la un examen de rutină USG abdominal a fost depistat chistul. Rezultate. La USG abdominal s-a evidențiat, în S4-S8 a ficatului, subcapsular, chist hidatic cu dimensiunile – 60x53x65 mm. Angio CT a cavității abdominale a oferit date imagistice pentru chist hidatic hepatic S4 (tip IIb), cu dimensiunile 4.8x5.8x5.7 cm, septat în interior, cu vezicule fiice, densitatea +5+11UH, fără intensificare postcontrast. Examenele de laborator cu semne de inflamație cronică. S-a efectuat Perichistectomie laparoscopică a chistului hidatic hepatic. Colecistectomie laparoscopică cu drenarea căilor biliare tip Halsted. Drenarea cavității peritoneale cu două perechi de drenuri (subdiafragmal, subhepatic). La a 3-a zi postoperator pacienta a fost externată fără complicații. La a 14-a zi a fost efectuată fistulografie, pentru excluderea unei posibile comunicări căilor biliare cu cavitatea restantă și au fost extrase drenurile cavității peritoneale, iar la a 21-a zi a fost extras drenul Halsted. Concluzii. Tratamentul minim invaziv este net superior în cazul pacienților fără comorbidități sau chist hidatic necomplicat. Tot odată recuperarea postoperatorie este mai rapidă cu un număr minim de complicații.Background. According to specialist studies, Echinococcus granulosus affects 70% the liver, 15-20% the lungs, 10-15% the spleen, 0.5% the heart. The treatment of echinococcal cyst is only surgical. 3 types of interventions are known: laparotomy, laparoscopic and minimally invasive ultrasound-guided transcutaneous. Objective of the study. Presentation of a case of the laparoscopic treatment of hepatic echinococcosis. Material and methods. Patient O., 25 years old, hospitalized in the IMU with the diagnosis: Hepatic hydatid cyst. Upon admission, the patient presented with colic pain in the right hypochondrium. From the history of the disease, the patient considers herself sick since 2020, when the cyst was detected during an abdominal ultrasound. Results. Abdominal US revealed, in S4-S8 of the liver, subcapsular hydatid cyst with size – 60x53x65 mm. Angio CT of the abdomen provided data for hepatic hydatid cyst S4 (type IIb), with size 4.8x5.8x5.7 cm, septate internally, with daughter vesicles, density +5+11UH, without postcontrast enhancement. Laboratory tests – with signs of chronic inflammation. Laparoscopic pericystectomy of the hepatic hydatid cyst was performed. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with Halsted bile duct drainage. Drainage of the peritoneal cavity with two pairs of drains (subdiaphragmatic, subhepatic). On the 3 rd postoperative day, the patient was discharged without complications. On the 14 th day, fistulography was performed to rule out a possible communication of the bile ducts with the remaining cavity, the peritoneal cavity drains were extracted, and on the 21st day, the Halsted drain was extracted. Conclusion. The minimally invasive treatment is clearly superior in the case of patients without comorbidities or uncomplicated hydatid cyst. At the same time, postoperative recovery is faster with a minimum number of complications

    Molecular Magnetism Modeling with Applications in Spin Crossover Compounds

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    Molecular magnetic materials have become flourishing fields for research and technological developments due to their novel behavior compared to classical magnetic materials. Molecular magnetism modeling has reached a certain degree of maturity, although several experimental findings are still open problems. This chapter is aimed at providing a general introduction to physical modeling in molecular materials with a special emphasis placed on spin crossover compounds. This presentation includes Ising-type models and their generalizations, such as Wajnflasz and Pick, Bousseksou et al., Zimmermann and König, Sorai and Seki, and Nasser et al., along with their applications to the characterization of phase transition, hysteresis behavior, and thermal relaxations in spin crossover compounds. Recent experimental findings are explained in this context and the relevance of theoretical results for technological applications is also discussed

    Numerical investigation of fano resonances in metamaterials with electric asymmetry

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    The excitation of high quality factor asymmetric Fano-type resonances on a double layer metafilm structure is investigated through numerical simulation. The paper demonstrates that it is possible to design simple structures capable to sustain a very high quality factor resonance by reducing their radiation losses. An equivalent circuit formed by two linearly coupled resonant RLC circuits is extracted in an attempt to explain the observed Fano resonance through classical circuit theory

    Robust design optimisation of electromagnetic devices exploiting gradient indices and Kriging

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    Since uncertainties in variables are unavoidable, an optimal solution must consider the robustness of the design. The gradient index approach provides a convenient way to evaluate the robustness but is inconclusive when several possible solutions exist. To overcome this limitation, a novel methodology based on the use of first- and second-order gradient indices is proposed introducing the notion of gradient sensitivity. The sensitivity affords a measure of the change in the objective function with respect to the uncertainty of the variables. A Kriging method assisted by algorithms exploiting the concept of rewards is employed to facilitate function predictions for the robust optimisation process. The performance of the proposed algorithm is assessed through a series of numerical experiments. A modification to the correlation model through the introduction of a Kriging predictor and mean square error criterion allows efficient solution of large scale and multi-parameter problems. The three parameter version of TEAM Workshop Problem 22 has been used for illustration

    Kriging based robust optimisation algorithm for minimax problems in electromagnetics

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    The paper discusses some of the recent progress in kriging based worst-case design optimisation and proposes a new two-stage approach to solve practical problems. The efficiency of the infill points allocation is largely improved by adding an extra layer of optimisation enhanced by a validation process

    Applications of Discourse Structure for Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    Language exhibits structure beyond the sentence level (e.g. the syntactic structure of a sentence). In particular, dialogues, either human-human or human-computer, have an inherent structure called the discourse structure. Models of discourse structure attempt to explain why a sequence of random utterances combines to form a dialogue or no dialogue at all. Due to the relatively simple structure of the dialogues that occur in the information-access domains of typical spoken dialogue systems (e.g. travel planning), discourse structure has often seen limited application in such systems. In this research, we investigate the utility of discourse structure for spoken dialogue systems in more complex domains, e.g. tutoring. This work was driven by two intuitions.First, we believed that the "position in the dialogue" is a critical information source for two tasks: performance analysis and characterization of dialogue phenomena. We define this concept using transitions in the discourse structure. For performance analysis, these transitions are used to create a number of novel factors which we show to be predictive of system performance. One of these factors informs a promising modification of our system which is implemented and compared with the original version of the system through a user study. Results show that the modification leads to objective improvements. For characterization of dialogue phenomena, we find statistical dependencies between discourse structure transitions and two dialogue phenomena which allow us to speculate where and why these dialogue phenomena occur and to better understand system behavior.Second, we believed that users will benefit from direct access to discourse structure information. We enable this through a graphical representation of discourse structure called the Navigation Map. We demonstrate the subjective and objective utility of the Navigation Map through two user studies.Overall, our work demonstrates that discourse structure is an important information source for designers of spoken dialogue systems